How do you grow seedless watermelons?
Why are men willing to make complete fools of themselves on national television dancing in an endzone but they refuse to set foot on a dancefloor?
Explain capri pants to me. They're too short to be pants and too long to be shorts.
Why do people run upstairs while being chased in horror movies? There are no exits on the second floor.
Where on the keyboard is the any key?
Why do you have to press "Start" if you want to turn off the computer?
Why are they called Robin Redbreast if they are orange?
Is it considered "instant" messaging if you type very slowly with one finger?
Why do socks come in packages of six if there are seven days in a week?
Why are people so concerned about radon in their homes while they are putting chemicals on their lawns that are so toxic that little flags have to be used to warn people not to step on them?
Why is it that people move to the suburbs for the peace and quiet and then hire gardeners who use machines so loud they make your ears bleed?
Why do people try to drive through floods? Cars can't swim.
When did brown become a flavor?
What happens to all the daylight we save?
What are we saving daylight for?