Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Why are they called "collar stays"? Collars are sewn on. They aren't going anywhere. They are definitely "staying".


Rae Ann said...

Oh, dear, I don't even know what a collar stay is.

Anonymous said...

I'm with rae ann on this one. I don't know much about collar stays but I have had collard greens. Here's a question about them: What does collard mean? Maybe this will be worth an entirely new post, eh Roses? Just remember to put in a footnote with proper attribution.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I didn't think of this before! Maybe they call them collar stays because the collar stays.

crazygramma said...

Ok now I'm not that old, but a collar stay is the little piece of plastic they sew in at the end of the collar so they don't curl up. My mom used to use them. Man I feel smart. LOL