Thursday, April 20, 2006

How do dead bugs get into enclosed light fixtures?


Flubberwinkle said...

I guess the bugs haven't heard the phrase "DON'T go towards the Light".

Anonymous said...

I've never thought about it in that light before. However, I have thought about it in my life--especially when I'm changing the lightbulb and the dead critters come raining down on my head...

Astrid said...

I think they do that while they are still alive and then burn by the warmth of the light. Yes, life can be cruel, very cruel.

Lori said...

Hmmmm maybe it's kinda like a alien aduction...It just zaps them in there....LOL

Have a great day!!!

... Paige said...

The fixture is not air tight, which gives just enough room for the little darlings to "skinny" into. The do it for the tan, but because they hang out just a little too long they get burned. OR
Dr. Max could be correct.

Mr McGuinness said...

I don't know.